It's graduation season in Williamsburg, and at Literacy for Life we are thrilled to be celebrating the achievements of our recent high school grads and new community college students! They are a diverse group but share an exceptional level of talent and grit, having overcome a variety of obstacles: learning a new language, taking care of family members, juggling work and education, rebuilding after tragedy--and of course adjusting to the unique and formidable challenges of a pandemic.

Rachael studied English and math with LFL tutors as she prepared for the GED exam. She obtained her GED in November and enrolled at Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC) where she is pursuing a degree in nursing.
Alma from El Salvador also worked with both English and math tutors. She developed her skills to college level, then enrolled at TNCC. She is pursuing her nursing degree while working as a certified nursing assistant.
Yuxuan from China enrolled with LFL in 2015. He learned to speak, read, and write English, then pursued his high school diploma through the National External Diploma Program (NEDP). He earned his diploma in May.
Tinija sought help from LFL to improve her writing in preparation for college. She enrolled at TNCC and completed English 111, all while working and taking care of her brother with special needs. She is pursuing a degree in psychology.
Lijuan from China also sought the help of a writing tutor to prepare for college English. She has enrolled at TNCC, successfully completed English 111, and is pursuing a degree in accounting.
Tina maintained her optimism and focus despite many challenges as she pursued her high school diploma. She earned her diploma through NEDP in November, enrolled at TNCC, and is pursuing a degree in human services.
Wendy from Honduras earned her NEDP diploma in January 2021. She is working with a tutor to prepare for enrollment with Today's Dental Assisting School, where she will pursue certification as a dental assistant.
We are honored to have played a role in these journeys. Congratulations to our "Magnificent Seven!"