Become a Tutor
Tutoring is a Rewarding and Life-Enhancing Experience!
Literacy for Life's tutors are the heart of our program. Tutors provide one-to-one and small group instruction in reading, writing, math, English language, computer skills, workforce preparation, financial literacy, and more.
We give you all the training you need. New tutors first attend Literacy for Life Orientation, then apply and proceed through New Tutor Training.
We provide ongoing support through individual consultation, in-service workshops, a resource library, and referral to online training resources.
Yes, you can! Teaching experience and a second language are not required.
Patience, flexibility, a positive outlook, and a desire to learn new things!
Age 18+
High school completion or equivalent
English language skills (native speaker or advanced ESL)
Basic computer skills (comfort with common applications)
Able to commit to one year of consistent tutoring
Willing to submit to a routine background check
Ready to Get Started?
New Tutor Training is offered several times a year. The first step is to attend Literacy for Life Orientation for a general introduction to the program. Further information about Tutor Training is provided at Orientation.
Please call (757) 221-3325 or
email literacyforlife@wm.edu.

Tutors and their Students Form a Special Bond